Many individuals contributed to the National Educator Shortage Summit, white paper and this website. This endeavor would not have been possible without Dr. Sara Skretta, who planned and facilitated the Summit activities.
We deeply appreciate the Experience Management Institute team including Emily Douglas-McNab, Dr. Katherine Heynoski, Erin Howell, Dr. Naima Khandaker and Taylor Tamang for gathering data during the summit and authoring this white paper.
Special thanks to the AASPA Executive Board for their insights and feedback.
The white paper design and layout were made possible by Hussain Syed Mohammed.
We are grateful to Dr. Sarah K. Douglas for editing the paper.
Lastly, our thanks to the individuals and organizations represented at the Educator Shortage Summit. We are also grateful for the support of our partners who made the summit possible.
As the work continues to address the national educator shortage, we invite you to join us on this journey. Mark your calendars for our next National Educator Shortage Summit, scheduled for February 29 - March 1, in Phoenix, AZ.
This site is designed to continue to share promising practices. If you would like to contribute to the work, please contact
This is not another teacher shortage white paper. What follows disrupts traditional calls to action, and looks across all shortage areas in education. Together, we can move from shortage to a surplus.